Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's another terrible pun!
Howdy having only just realised that the Bat-Matt of the previous logo could be turned into any superhero with the word "man" at the end i concocted the new Iron-Matt image. Of course it doesnt work as well as the Mattcave but i can live with it. Here is the previous logo and the workings for the new one!

What next? Spidermatt, Supermatt, Powermatt...? Might do it themed to go with major comic movie releases. Oh the possibilities... Tatty byes!

What next? Spidermatt, Supermatt, Powermatt...? Might do it themed to go with major comic movie releases. Oh the possibilities... Tatty byes!
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's another terrible pun!
Reviewed by Matt
2:13 pm

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